The Purge
A family is held hostage for harboring the target of a murderous syndicate during the Purge, a 12-hour period in which any and all crime is legalized.Director: James DeMonaco
Writer: James DeMonaco
My opinion ( not that enyone asked ha ha )
For me personally, one of the most anticipated movie this year besides world war Z, is the purge. The idea of everything legal for one day is really get into to my head, i cant stop thinking what can i do if that's actually happened, my imagination running wild into thinking what would i do...
to me the movie concept its really exiting... can you imagine.. in one day every year.. people can do whatever the hell they want, robbery, rape, bullying, bashing , shooting , hitting even killing people.. its all legal
my imagination running wild before the actual movie comes up.. i was kinda imagining hardcore stuff.. rich people will set up electric fences, house surrounded by steel wall and non penetrable and since this actually happened every year.. so rich people will protect them self in every way, no matter how much it cost.. because their life its at stake., because it is..... in my version (in my head), the rich one is the one with the utmost hardcore protection.. house surrounding by barb wire, and then the wire it self electric and the whole house will be covered in a steel wall even the roof. and in my imagination the steel wall is missile proof, bullet proof, fire proof. so its like the house is inside the bunker, which will rise from the ground ( rich people style of protection ) because in my imagination since everything is possible and legal the poor people is ganged up and rob and kill rich people's house.. well. after the movie comes up.. i was thrilled, but a little bit disappointing of how little they protect them self.. since the only hardcore protection in the movie is the front door made up a steel.. wow big deal your door is covered by steel. seriously... i don't even give a damn about door i go through window and second floor window... there is so many opening point that people can get into...
the movies is exiting and thrilling, although I'm a little bit disappointed in how little the violent scene.. i was kinda expecting violent scene was throughout the whole movie ( although, when the movie started they showed kinda scene of how it happened across the country, on TV though not the real action happening) .. since this is the whole america doing this purge and happened every year, i was kinda expecting poor ganged up against rich, and the poor die trying to rob rich people's house, they get killed by electric shock, rifle and machine gun (although in the movie says only certain gun was allowed, i saw AK47 in one of the scene when the bad guy was outside the house, so i assume machine gun is allowed).
another thing i was kinda expecting when i saw the movie, i really want to see the whole country in chaos, in manhattan, in harlem, in LA, or even vegas, i wanted to see how those big Banks, hotels and casino tyring to protect themself agains robbery, i was kinda hoping to see how far they protect themself against all those possible crime.. since its legal..
Seriuosly, if thats happend i would trying to gang up with lots of people and do the purge. and rob a bank or something.. , ripp the ATM machine apart or something.. or go to the museum and get those monalisa out or something and go to the grocery store and take all the stokes..the meat and everything so i dont have to buy anything for the whole year.. until the next purge year
one thing i know for sure if its actually happened, I would try to protect myself at all cost...
in other word, if i have to suumarize my expectation toward the purge movies i was expecting the whole nation chaos, lots of damage in one day. the look of the whole nation in one day.. before the purge and after the purge.. then in the last scene i was expecting to see bodies kinda like dead bodies in movies hotel rwanda.. bodies lying in the street, everywhere...
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